Welcome friend

...see the world through my eyes and wander in my thoughts. Be curious, be challenged, be encouraged...be changed.

Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2009

back then/this morning

the hero of year zero
was born in bethlehem
unto us and unto them
his name's emmanuel
in switzerland in israel
he is real and he is here
if you have ears to hear
-come near to him.

come to you

i've come to you/to bow down/i've come to you/to lay me down/i've come to you/here's my crown/i've come to you/and i am found.

Montag, 7. Dezember 2009


Advent heisst "er kommt"
Aber wir gehen
Einkaufen, skifahren, shoppen
Und in die Luft
Advent heisst warten
Aber wir gehen
Advent Advent
Ein Lichtlein brennt
Aber wir sind ausgrbrannt

Es gibt einen Weg
Einen Aus-Weg aus dem sinnlosen gehen
Advent ist der Weg

Sofern Du mir nah bist
Geh ich deinen Weg
Dieser Weg den ich geh
Führt immer weiter
Weg von mir
Und hin zu Dir
Weg von mir
Und hin zu Dir

Eines Morgens (A Little Tale B)

Liebe weckt mich

Noch vor der Sonne

Sanft rüttelt sie mich wach

Leidenschaft schubst mich aus dem Bett

Erwartung hilft ihr dabei

Sehnsucht säuselt süsse Versprechen

Was für ein Tag!

Freude nimmt mich an der Hand

Und ich will losrennen...

Plötzlich taucht Ablenkung auf

Nimmt mich ganz in ihren Bann

Sie stellt mir Lüge vor

Die viel und schnell spricht

Und ich glaube alles, was sie sagt

Leidenschaft verlässt die Szene

Liebe sieht irgendwie sehr krank aus

Verzweiflung und Zerstörung umzingeln mich

Halten mich fest und lähmen mich

Hilflos bemerke ich, wie Tod sich nähert

Doch dann splittert das Glas

Wahrheit bricht durch das Fenster

Durch die Tür

Gefolgt von Hoffnung

Die mir die Augen öffnet und

Wieder nimmt Freude meine Hand

Sie führt mich auf einen Hügel

Rettung und Leben warten dort auf mich

Friede umarmt mich

Mit seinen starken Armen

Veränderung zieht bei mir ein

Nimmt ein den ganzen Raum

Den Verzweiflung vor kurzem noch belegte

Wahrheit und Licht (wie strahlend!)

Verbrennen Tod un seine Freunde

Dann, kommt Zeit auf mich zu

Freundlich erklärt sie mir

Ich soll mich nun aufmachen

Auf die Suche nach Weisheit

Die, wie sie mir sagt,

Mir helfen könnte

Einiges von dem was heute geschehen ist

In Zukunft zu vermeiden.

Die Resie geht weiter...

Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2009

Kaffee (für "Poesie im Kerzenschein" im Café del Mundo)

Meine Damen und Herren,
Braucht's die braunen Bohnen?
Gibt's gute Gründe gegen den Genuss?
Krankhafter Kaffee-Konsum
Oder is Kaffee Ok?

-Einige Beispiele-

Der Dichter setzt die Tasse an die Lippen
Als wäre sie der Kuss der Muse selbst
Und säuselt selig seine Zärtlichkeiten.

Er sagt:

O Lebenselixier, Aphrodisiakum meiner Seele,
Du höchstes der Gefühle!
Lass Worte wachsen aus den Händen
Die dich mit Ehrfurcht halten!
Du grösste der Gewalten,
Du Venus der Getränke,
Lässt Bacchus seinen Wein
Umsonst verschenken!
Denn wer dich kostet erkennt;
Verachtet alles andere nunmehr.
Es ist nicht schwer bei deinem Duft
Selbst die Luft zu verachten,
Nach nichts anderem mehr
Im Leben zu trachten.
Kaffee -Muse meines Gaumens;
Samen meines Glaubens
O Kaffee!

Der Workaholic trinkt Kaffee
Weil er nicht anders kann
Er ist ein Mann
Der Arbeit
Kaffee gibt ihm Klarheit.

Er sagt:

Stress! Espresso!
Wo ist die Tasse?
Was? So spät?
Nach drei Uhr
Geht's nur
Noch mit Koffein
Wo ist die Zeit hin?
Wie ich das brauche
Seit ich nicht rauche
Trink' ich doppelt
Soviel doppios
Süchtig? Nein!
Kaffee gleicht Kraft
Kaffee kann Konzentration
Eine zweite Tasse
Und heiter weiter
(Zum Glück gibt's Kaffee!)

Die junge Dame trinkt Kaffee wegen des Flairs
Des Feelings
Und all den anderen
Schönen fremdsprachigen Wörtern.

Sie sagt:

Café au lait, dolce vita, fare niente
Wichtig ist vor allem das Ambiente
Im Latte-Lifestyle leben
Heisst Kaffee trinken
Tratschen, quatschen, schwatzen
Mit Freundinnen
Zeit verbringen
Auf Sofas entkoffeinierten Kaffee
Mit Soja Milch geniessen
Mit Doppel-Caramel-Topping
Das Leben zu versüssen
Auch Nespresso ist sehr beliebt
Dank George Clooney
Hab' ich mich in Kaffee verliebt.

Meine Damen und Herren
Die Braunen Bohnen braucht's!
Gute Gründe gegen den Genuss - die gibt's!
Und krankhafter Kaffee-Konsum ist eine Katastrophe
Aber wenn Kaffe nicht Ok wär'
Wär' dieser Saal wohl ziemlich leer.

Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2009

two kinds of love

my love is frail
my love it wavers
my love so small
my love is weak

Donnerstag, 12. November 2009


you are/:





Montag, 9. November 2009


with my indifference and apathy
i have built a fence around me
and i wrap my pain in cellophane
before you all my life lays plain
all hiding and pretending is in vain
i can't put a wall before your eyes
can't wear a mask, cannot disguise
myself, my situation, how i look...
for you read me like an open book
got me tangling on a silver hook
when i feel far - you are near
even if i rise up into the atmosphere
hiding at the far side of the sea of tears
high on the wings of dawn, but all alone
if i make my bed in the deep darkness
of my idolatry and very selfishness
you are there, all the time and everywhere
there is no way i can ever be or stay
out of your tender grasp, your reach
my brazen boundaries you've breached
you know my feelings and my every thought
the secrets of my heart you've caught
where can i go from your spirit?
where can i flee from your presence?

Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2009

slow slow, stop stop

need to slow slow down a bit
need to sit and bite my lip
need to stop stop and listen

need to slow down to lay down

Love Me Still

When my heart is cold and hard
And my ears are deaf and closed
I am still the one You chose.
When I fill myself with things
That cannot fulfill until...
I am empty You will still
Sing over me - and joyfully.
When I put You on a shelf
You will still give all Yourself.
When I run away from You
You will run right after me.
When I turn away from You
You surround me till I see
Beauty in Your perfect will.
When I feel far you are near
I know it now I can hear
You whisper: I Love You Still.

Samstag, 19. September 2009

in the medina

marrakesh murmurs muddy whispers from maroon walls, warped words wanting to be heard in the wind. a breath of air carries distant voices over red rooftops until they reach my ears, suggesting blurry images to match the blurry noises i perceive. i breath in the soft sounds. the noise so close i can almost feel it as it wanders through my senses, without permission penetrating my defenses. i soak in the atmosphere. i am here. and i am here to hear, to be near. now the words, the whispers, the voices and the sounds they all resound uniting into a shout so loud...i am overwhelmed. marrakesh what are you saying? your blissful bloom, your beauty betrayed by cruel confusion (all ilusion?) circlcing through my head, my heart. i wait. and as i stand there with my soul bare the sun sets and it begins to dawn on me, the mistery i see...marrakesh tells tales of life. so the keynote and the basic tint, the structure and the underlying symmetry, the meaning and the synthesis of all of this is that it is. and so am i. this is how it was meant to be, in ages past decreed: i am.

Dienstag, 1. September 2009

The Blood (Free)

Free of guilt and Free of shame
Let the red Blood wash away
All the lies and all the blame
Come My child, your burdens lay
At My wounded Feet, your pain
You are Mine and so's today
darkness has not right to claim
By My Blood and by My Name
You are Free in everyway.

Donnerstag, 20. August 2009

the altar

today i bring//the very thing//to which i cling//my everything//as an offering//to my king//and as i sing//i see a spring//gushing forth...

paint the town red

urban desert downtown detroit
want to be the voice in the void
joy in an asphalt atmosphere
that colours concrete monotony
want to leave a worthy legacy.

Sonntag, 5. Juli 2009

song to my child

you're my favorite
precious one
and by my spirit
you are my son

so won't you come to me my child
to hold your hand is my delight

you're my creation
you are mine
and i have made you
perfectly fine.

so won't you come to me my child
to look at you is my delight

you're my beloved
you're my friend
and my love for you
has no end

so won't you come to me my child
my heart has longed for you all night
so won't you come to me my child
to be with you is my delight

Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2009

pneumonia psalm

my chest is heavy
my breath unsteady
can't rest
this weight on my chest
it's been the same
for a while now
there's so much pain
i don't know how
and why
and still
i will fill
these lungs with air
not spare
one moment to raise
my voice in praise
to tell you
i love you

Dienstag, 14. April 2009


If ink flowed through my veins
And I had quills for fingers
If I had all the words
That were ever said or written

Still I could not describe you

If colours burst from my heart
The universe my canvas
If I had seen the whole world
Imagined everything there is

Still I could not paint you

If I sang like an angel
And played every instrument
If I heard heaven's melody
And felt the rhytmn of the earth

Still I could not sing of you

You are beautiful beyond description
You are beautiful beyond description
You are beautiful beyond description

Mittwoch, 11. März 2009

Hope in the Neon Wilderness

My distorted eyes, my heart wash clean
With hope I set my eyes on the unseen

Sin City & Neon Wilderness

When your cycling mind decides to slide
Down to reside inside your pants
When your heart's own darker parts
Creep into your feet, your hands
When you give up the fight at the sight
Of the first bright neon sign tonight
When twilight downright downplays
Wrong into right, and black into white
You've failed to feel what's true and real,
Deception steals the wheel and steers
With grip of steel until you'll kneel before
The avenging neon angel on the floor.

Dienstag, 3. März 2009


once again i'm sorry
fallen short of your glory
once again i choose myslef
over truth
over you
want to say the words
(often said and heard)
i say them and still i hurt
you who gave your life for me
still your wounded body
i nail back to the tree
i know you'll frogive me
but how can i say i'm sorry
knowing i'll do it again?

Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2009

A Little Tale

Love woke me up this morning
Tenderly tugging at my heart.
Passion pushed me out of bed
With the help of Anticipation.
Longing made sweet promises
While Joy took me by the hand.
Suddenly Distraction showed up
Entirely catching my attention.
I soon was introduced to Lies
Who talked alot and I believed.
Passion left the scene with Longing
Somehow Love looked very sick.
Destruction and Despair appeared
Pinning me down to the ground
Helpless I saw Death approaching
But then the glass crashed as Truth
Broke through the window, the door
Followed by Hope who made me
See that Truth had never left me,
Grace had been there all the time.
Again Joy took me by the hand
And led me to a lonely hill where
Salvation and Life were waiting.
I was embraced by Peace and
I saw Change as Holiness moved in.
Amazed I watched Light burning up
Darkness, Death and her companions.
And moved on to seek Wisdom,
Who I had been told could help avoid
Much of what had happened today
Now the journey goes on...

Montag, 9. Februar 2009

without you

feel like a day without the sun
a car that doesn't run
a man without a home
a star that doesn't shine

feel like a book without the words
a train beneath the tracks
a face without a name
a question with no answer

Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2009


Me acuerdo siempre
De tus lagrimas

Y quisiera verte
Para llenarme de alegria

Quisiera verte
Para decirte: te quiero

Y me acuerdo
De tus lagrimas

Quisiera abrazarte
Para nunca mas dejarte

Y me acuerdo
De tus lagrimas

Quisiera tanto quererte
Quisiera tanto conocerte

Y me acuerdo
De tus lagrimas

Por que no quiero
Lo que quisiera tanto?

Por que no puedo
Dar lo que deseo tanto?

Me acuerdo siempre
De tus lagrimas

Y Quisiera

Dienstag, 3. Februar 2009

Sacred Romance

Church bells of promise ring
As thousand of angels sing
Of the beauty of the sacred romance
When bridegroom and bride will dance
When world's winter will be turned
Into everlasting may
When she will see him face to face
And lover and beloved will embrace
Until that day she lives on grace
With hope in her heart
With oil set apart
To conquer the dark of night
She will wait holding her light

Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2009

this little poem

those three words
are said too much
not meant enough
strike those chords
deep down in me
can't help but say
these poor verses
pour out my heart
my soul -my all
into this little poem
to simply whisper
i love you

Montag, 19. Januar 2009

set your sails

feelings for unknown shores
we too take ship, oh soul
setting our tattered sails
all eyes on the horizon
joyous we too launch into
trackless seas and endless
oceans, worlds in motion
under full canvas rush
oh soul, give up control
to sail beyond all doubt
sailing near wildest winds
invisible lands speek words
...of mystery to me
so drawn by the unknown
we too take ship, oh soul
fearless for unknown shores

Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2009

In This Wild Garden

You walked through your beloved vineyard
And searched the garden of your delight
You looked for justice; but saw bloodshed
For rightheousness; but heard cries of the oppressed
Your looked for beauty; but felt the scars

Outstreched Hands

Break my heart for what yours is broken
Want to speak the words you have spoken
Want to love the way I'm loved by you
Want to fight for what is right and true
Want to make a difference, take a stand
Here's my heart, here's my outstretched hand


who will wash the feet of the dalit
embrace the untouchables
kiss the hand of the leper

who will say to the unlovable
you are worth my life, my all
and words of comfort whisper

who will hear the orphan's call
and be a father to the fatherless
a mother to the motherless

who will live in tents with refugees
just to show they're not alone
and live to be their hope and home

who will fight for the raped
and care for the abused
spark new life and heal their wounds

who will feed the hungry
and provide water for the thirsty
thirsting for the other's satisfaction first

who will forsake his life
and live where terror strikes
to give his love to the agressors


Close Enough to Love

The only way to stop a suicide bomber
Is to embrace him and to hold him longer
Than his hatred and his fear hold him
And to love away the pain and suffering
Until he sees the prince of peace, the king
Of love who will one day end all wars...