Welcome friend

...see the world through my eyes and wander in my thoughts. Be curious, be challenged, be encouraged...be changed.

Freitag, 21. Mai 2010


the stars are like poems on god's beauty,
the nocturn sky a dark blue painting of his vastness.
the hills, the trees are sculptures of his creativity
and as the wind like breath of god
chills my skin and warms my heart,
i raise my eyes to see a shooting star -
god's awe inspiring poetry in motion.
then i look at you: his workmanship,
his masterpiece, his crowning work of art...
i see the radiant sun blazing inside of you.
i see the fire burning in your maroon eyes,
sparkling like a thousand shooting stars
and i see the movement in your hair.
your tresses flowing like ballroom dresses
over a dancefloor, dancing like ocean waves
and then...your lips curl into a smile.
the smile erupts in laughter,
bathing the whole world in it's warm light.
i can't help but stand here and delight
in this wonderful sight...of you.

Samstag, 1. Mai 2010

pilgrim's poem

we wander and we wonder
are you beyond my reach?
are you within my grasp?
how can you dwell in me
when you're so vast?

we search and we stroll
are you in control of all?
do you draw the signposts
on my street or do i mark
them as i make my way?

we travel and we marvel

i walk. i wonder. i walk.