Welcome friend

...see the world through my eyes and wander in my thoughts. Be curious, be challenged, be encouraged...be changed.

Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2012

Come All You Weary

Come all who labor
Come all you slaves
Who are heavy laden
Within the sex trade
Come all you abducted
Abandoned, abused 
Come all addicted
Who pay to consume
On your computer
Or in some bedroom
Come all you weary
Who carry your loads
Gather all near me
Find rest for your souls
My yoke is easy
My burden is light
Gather all near me
Learn by my side
For I am gentle
And humble of heart
So come all to trade
Your part for my part

Donnerstag, 6. September 2012

Psalm 18 (Ein Lied)

De profundis
Clamavi ad-te domine
Ich schrei zu dir
Wiu du Gott ghörsch mini Stimm

Er beugt sich vom Himmu
D Wält erbebt und Bärge zittre
Er schwäbt uf de Flügle
Vom Wind; er isch vo Glanz umhüllt

Du bisch mi Feus und mini Feschtig
Mini Zueflucht und mini Rettig
Du bisch mi Gott, mi sichre Ort
Mit dir chani über Mure springe
Nur zu dir Gott, will ich singe

S donneret im Himmu
Wenn sini Stimm in Macht erklingt
Er rettet mi im Sturm
Vertribt alli mini Finde

Du bisch mi Feus und mini Feschtig
Mini Zueflucht und mini Rettig
Du bisch mi Gott, mi sichre Ort
Mit dir chani über Mure springe
Nur zu dir Gott, will ich singe

Ich lieb dich, oh Herr mini Stärchi

Freitag, 6. April 2012

Good Friday

Stop all the clocks, turn off your phone.
Forget your to-do lists and stay at home
Put out the lights, shut down the sun
Birds need not sing as mourners bring
Condolences to the corpse's family
Let papers print black pages, stating
"He Is Dead" and "Now He's Gone"
Let strong men weep and women mourn
Make mountains wear black snow today
And cement lament in usual grey
As buildings bow down low in sorrow
We ask in solemn horror with those who stood
By the pole that day, that piece of wood
What is it, that makes this Friday good?

Mittwoch, 7. März 2012

Relentless Lent

I've been sharpening my blades
Armed with daggers and a spade
I'm setting out, my mind is bent
On murderous intent
I've been studying your defense
I'm breaking through the fence
Surely this time I'll succeed
It is time for you to bleed
A slow death for forty days